Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I've been tagged!

I’ve been double tagged by Ange! So, to respond to the first "tag", here are 6 random, fun facts about me:

1) I’d like to go back to Early American times…just for a little while…to learn all their practical skills…and find that simpler way, but without all the danger and uncertainty!

2) I like to hang out with Hillbillies. I had the greatest time living and volunteering with Christian Appalachian Project for two years in Kentucky right after college. I served (more like, was served by) the homebound elderly. THEY always called themselves “Hillbillies,” I didn’t! I still smile when I think of Elderberry Kidd playing his banjo on his front porch,

Ms. Augusta smokin’ her corn-cobb pipe, Virgie Rash’s hand-sewn quilts, this country midwife (pictured) who delivered babies until the age of 91…

...and of course, Rosie Holcomb and Riley Robinson who I see every day in the painting Joe and I received from my family for our wedding.

3) a. Joe and I “dated” about 8 years before we were married, yet we only lived in the same city for the first year and a half.
b. We had a 3-month (to the day) engagement. The wedding took place in Minnesota, I lived in Wisconsin at the time, and Joe was here in Texas! This may seem like it must have been a nightmare to plan for a normal-sized wedding, but it worked out really well—probably since I didn’t have time to fuss about things too much!

4) A fair weather fan. I don't care for living in places with extreme weather! Although the only places I’ve lived for a long period of time HAVE extreme weather—the far north and the far south-- I can’t claim the heartiness I once had from the northern bitter cold nor the tolerance I’ve never mustered for the smothering southern heat. Yuck! Additionally, I neither like the extreme dryness of the desert nor the high humidity of…anywhere!

5) I’d like to live in an R.V. and travel around the country. Maybe then we can go wherever the good weather takes us!

6) Not that I ever considered hyphenating my name, but it certainly would have been out of the question for anyone with my maiden name, Cox (pronounced “cocks”) and Joe’s last name, Roche (pronounced “roach”). Read, cocks-roach!!

Now, for the other “tag” for the 6 words that describe me (okay, don’t count all the words):
1) Christ-loving
2) Husband-adoring
3) Family-centered
4) Low-maintenance
5) Stubborn-minded
6) Book-hoarder

Now, I'd like to tag Steph...if she ever gets this message!

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