Monday, May 19, 2008

Curious George...and Kathleen...and JOE!

What is wrong with this picture?
We like to read whole, living books. Mostly. I guess I can't consider Curious George books true "living books" but our kids read them nonetheless. So, this is the idea Kathleen got after reading Curious George Rides a Bike: to ride her bike, a little differently. Even if the book isn't "living", we can put some life into it by DOING what's in the book! NOW the book is living! But there's certainly nothing wrong with this picture.
So what IS wrong with THIS picture? Hmmm, Joe got in on the action. He's also riding a little differently. Yes, backwards. With how easily he hopped on the bike and rode backwards (through the whole yard), I'm pretty sure he spent half his childhood on a bike riding just this way. But isn't there something wrong, or should I say missing? We are quite careful when it comes to safety issues. Dad is especially careful with bike safety for the kids. So...where's HIS helmet? That's the only thing I see wrong with this picture!
Have any of you tried riding your bike differently lately?

Joe later mentioned that he used to race his bike this way. The other person would race facing forward as fast as he could, and Joe would race with Curious George...riding backwards. There's no wonder why he scraped off a whole eye brow and was in the E.R. so often when he was younger! I've known him for over 20 years, and I'm still finding out new things about him!

NOTE: Kathleen will not practice riding differently today. After an 8-mile bike ride with her sibs and Dad yesterday, her bike chain broke AS she was turning into our driveway. If it had to happen, it certainly was perfect timing!

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