Sunday, December 20, 2009

Boy Disgusted to Find Senate Health Care Bill Next to Rat's Head In Holiday Sausage

Washington, D.C.--A Nebraska boy who bit into a Christmas sausage during a recent family celebration was disgusted to find the hairy vestiges of the Senate health care bill inside the meaty treat.

"The kids so look forward to the holiday sausage this time of year," said the boy's mother between dry heaves. "But this year little Trad let out a shriek after he took a taste. You can imagine our revulsion when we saw, next to a rat's dismembered remains, the horrific Senate health care bill dangling out the sausage casing Trad had in his shaking hands."

When asked to comment, Senate sausage-makers said only that "we strove to produce the best sausage possible before our arbitrary 38-hour deadline for radically restructuring one-seventh of the U.S. economy."

Associated article: Wall Street Journal

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