Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Obama Announces Massive Debt Has Been Detected Heading Straight for U.S.

A stunned nation watched as President Obama used an emergency address to the nation to announce that a massive debt is heading straight for the U.S.

"It's expected to hit within the next decade," Obama told a shaken citizenry, "and engulf the country in a giant cloud of liability."

Obama said Americans should report to underground caves, where they would submit to a strict regimen of work and taxpaying that it is hoped will "steer the debt toward other countries."

Obama said a potential "Plan B" was to employ the newly functional Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator. The LHC was originally designed to smash opposing particle beams, but Obama hoped it could be redesigned "to allow the high-energy banging of heads against walls."

In the mean time, a band of Congressional candidates who support limited government and fiscal responsibility have been recruited to run for office in what has been called "the last best hope for America."

Associated article: LHC

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