Thursday, December 31, 2009

Oh Nine in a collage shell

I love going back and watching old family videos and looking at photo files from long ago and noticing all of the big changes that have taken place over the years.

Today, as I went back through the photo folders from this year and visually reviewed 2009 (a.k.a. Oh Nine), I am so very grateful for the wonderful memories we've made this year. We've managed to see most of our families, we've taken some fun trips, we've completed the first half of our 5th year of homeschooling, and (once again) Joe has been the king of fatherhood with the kids taking them on fun adventures while I take time to plan for school...and eat bon bons ; )

A photo collage to represent our year--month by month.

-The kids lost lots of teeth this year--starting out with Jimmer in January
-Lots of hiking and climbing miles under our belts
-A good Jeep mudding year, for sure

2nd Row:
-Mary Kate celebrated her First Communion
-She got to go to California with Gramma for a week
-Our male family members suffered the heat to watch the Red Bull X Fighters

3rd Row:
-Our kids love the homebound ministry we're involved with at church
-We did some spelunking--or, hiking below the ground
-We did a lot of hiking above the ground in the great Southwest

4th Row:
-No hiking (or walking) on water, so we just enjoyed a great big lake.
-Joe, a Longhorn of the university kind, & kids showed their 'Horns spirit
-Our love of Calvin & Hobbes just shines through the kids, don't you think?

A fabulously fun, fantastically busy, fully-lived year for which we're extremely grateful.

It's so satisfying to ring in the new year in a thankful spirit.

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