Monday, December 14, 2009

Obama to Contest His Grade in Prime Time Address

Washington, D.C.--Asked by Oprah Winfrey how he would grade himself during his first year in office, President Obama said he'd give himself "a good, solid B+." But at the same time, polls show the American people giving Obama something much closer to a D, as only 44% of those surveyed express any approval of his performance, with 42% strongly disapproving, and only 24% strongly approving.

As a result, Obama said he would challenge the grade he's receiving from the American people in a nationally televised prime time address.

Administration sources said the President "doesn't believe his grade is fair," and that "he isn't going to end his address until the American people agree to change it."

During the address, Obama plans on holding up a composition book containing his thoughts on his own presidential performance and making the case that the American people "just don't understand how much effort I put into this."

"Look," said one administration official, "the President put a lot of time into getting the job he has now, and he's not about to let some voters give him anything less than what he thinks he deserves."

Associated articles: Hot Air; Rasmussen Reports

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