Wednesday, December 2, 2009

White House Says "Overwhelming Consensus of Political Scientists" Supports Its Climate Change Policies

Washington, D.C.--As it has become increasingly clear that the science of climate change is far from settled -- and as the validity of a prominent United Nations report supporting human-caused climate change has been undermined by revelations that its underlying data were fudged or destroyed -- the Obama administration today announced that an "overwhelming consensus" of political scientists supported its drastic programs to raise energy prices.

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters, "Look, these political scientists might not have a B.S. in any of the physical sciences, but no one disputes they have B.A.s in B.S."

The American Political Science Association issued a press release to coincide with the press briefing that made clear that "political science has the word 'science' in it. So there."

Associated articles: MIT meteorologist Lindzen; Washington Times; National Review; Wall Street Journal; New Scientist

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