Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Blue Dog Members Alarmed by Potential Political Suicide Plot

Washington, D.C.--Conservative "Blue Dog" Democrats in the House and Senate became alarmed after full-body scans of Democratic leaders revealed a possible "political suicide" plot in the form of a rush to pass President Obama's disastrous health care legislation.

"We thought Republican Senator Scott Brown's decisive election in Massachusetts -- after he made the defeat of ObamaCare the centerpiece of his campaign -- had averted that threat," said one Blue Dog. "But now it's looking like House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid may still be hiding explosive legislative proposals in their pants."

Blue Dogs demanded an immediate investigation into how far the political suicide plot had developed.

"This is one of the greatest threats to our party in years," said one House Member. "Whether this plot is being driven by the far-left base of our party, our party leaders, or the President himself, we need to stop it!"

Associated articles: Daily Caller; ABC News

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