Monday, January 4, 2010

Obama Administration Says Key to Stopping Terrorism is Negotiating with Terrorists by Offering Lighter Sentences

Washington, D.C.--After President Obama decided to treat the terrorist who almost brought down an airplane on Christmas as an ordinary criminal -- and grant him the right to remain silent, the right to a lawyer, and the right to the full protections of a criminal trial -- Obama's chief counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan said the terrorist would be offered a plea agreement promising more lenient sanctions in return for information relating to potential future attacks the terrorist would not provide voluntarily.

When asked whether offering plea agreements violated a longstanding policy against negotiating with terrorists, homeland security officials insisted this Administration "absolutely does not negotiate with terrorists."

The officials said the Administration does provide terrorists with rights they don't deserve, allows them to exploit those rights to withhold all information, and then tries to solicit some smaller portion of the information by offering the terrorists lighter sentences. "But that's not negotiating with terrorists," the officials insisted. "It's caving to them."

Also during weekend interviews, Brennan denied the government had missed any "smoking gun" even though a known terrorist with explosives had managed to board a plane. When pressed, however, Brennan admitted the government did manage to miss "a pair of flaming skivvies."

Associated articles: Washington Post; Washington Examiner; Andrew McCarthy; Politico

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