Sunday, August 1, 2010

Swamp in U.S. Congress Declared Federally Protected Wetland

Washington, D.C.--The swamp that is the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives was declared a federally-protected wetland today, giving former House Democrat tax committee chairman Charlie Rangel and Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters an additional defense in their fight against pending ethics charges.

Rangel's lawyers -- who are currently challenging claims that include failure to disclose assets and income, nonpayment of taxes, and doing legislative favors for donors to a college center named after him -- welcomed the official designation of Congress as a swamp, saying "The new federal protections now prevent any moral and ethical development from encroaching on the natural habitat of corrupt representatives."

Lawyers for Waters -- who are defending her against claims she steered taxpayer funds to a bank to which she had personal and financial ties -- also haled the federal designation, saying it would "help protect career politicians from the ravages of public scrutiny."

Associated articles: Associated Press; Washington Post

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