Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Teaser Tuesday #16

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here are the rules:
  • Open your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include spoilers!
  • Share the title and author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!

From The Game of Pawns by Leonard D. Hilley II, Chapter Eight

As blood seeped from the side of his head, his killer dropped a chess piece on his chest.
A black pawn.
A smooth, laser-carved number was printed on the bottom.
Number 1.

The Game of Pawns (The Darkness, Book Three) by Leonard D. Hilley II

Synopsis From Goodreads:
"Beyond the Darkness is a thrill ride you don't want to end. It will have you laughing, crying, and on the edge of your seat until the very end!" Nicole Hicks--HowlingGoodBooks.com.
Twelve execution-style murders have occurred in Newark, New Jersey, in less than a week. Each murder has a calling card - a red pawn on each corpse. Kat Gaddis and Lucian investigate the homicides and discover the last four victims were employed by GenTech, a company that recently merged with Mech Cybernetics. After FBI director Mike Carpenter shares evidence with Kat, they soon discover political ties and corruptions that place Kat's life in direct danger. New players emerge and what seems like serial murders suddenly becomes a struggle for biotech knowledge and power. Kat is thrust into their game - The Game of Pawns.
I love this series!  Sci-fi meets thriller meets crime drama.  I can't believe this is the last book (to my knowledge, anyway)! 

From The Boy Who Loved Bach by T.L. Peters
My real name was Edward P. Studt, which I knew wasn't the greatest name in the world, but it sure beat Pug-face, or Mr. Brainiac too for that matter.  I couldn't help it that I was born with a nose that was a little on the flat side and a mind perfectly suited to the retention of useless academic information.

The Boy Who Loved Bach by T.L. Peters

Synopsis From Goodreads:
THE BOY WHO LOVED BACH is about a ninth grader at the top of his class trying out for the football team who just can't seem to remember the plays, much to the consternation and bewilderment of his coach and teammates, not to mention his girlfriend, all of which makes him miserable. But when Ed picks up the violin at the urging of his mother and learns to play Bach, his perspective changes.
I love Ed!  He reminds me rather alarmingly of myself, minus the American football, of course.  Just the "retention of useless academic infomation" slightly misunderstood part.  And I'm loving the book, so thank you T.L. Peters!  :)

From Dancing Jax by Robin Jarvis, Chapter Eight, Page 116
Shiela could not comprehend what had happened that night.  But she knew they ha all taken a step towards something sinister and final and there was no going back.

Dancing Jax by Robin Jarvis

Synopsis From Blurb:
"Some books are harmful, even dangerous.  They should be banned or destroyed.  This is a story about one of them, written by one of the most evil men ever to have lived..."
In a coastal town, a strange, out-of-print book is found, full of colourfull stories of castles, knights and unicorns.  But the book is no fairytale.  Written by Austerly Fellows, a mysterious turn-of-the-century occultist, it is no mere entertainment.  In fact, those who start it find that they just can't put in down, no matter how much they may want to.
It's a pageturner... it keeps you awake at night.  And it never, ever lets you go.
I'm lovin' this book so far.  It's wonderfully creepy.  Gotta love the wonderfully creepy.

From The Iron King by Julie Kagawa, Chapter Three, Page 49
My mother lay on her back on the checkered tile floor, arms and legs flung akimbo, one side of her face covered in glistening crimson.  Her purse, its contents scattered everywhere, lay beside one limp white hand.  Standing over her in the doorway, head cocked to one side like a curious cat, was Ethan.
And he was smiling.

The Iron King (The Iron Fey, Book One) by Julie Kagawa

Synopsis From Blurb:
"My name is Meghan Chase.
In less than twenty-four hours I'll be sixteen.  Countless stories and songs have been written about this wonderlful age, when a girl finds true love and the stars shine for her...
I don't think it will be that way for me."

Meghan Chase has a secret destiny - one she could never have imagined...
Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan's life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six.  She has never quite fitted in at school... or at home.
When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar and her little brother is taken, Megham senses that everything she's known is about to change.
She could never have guessed the truth.  Meghan is the daughter of a faery king and a pawn in a deadly war.  Now Meghan will have to choose between a normal life and her magical destiny - and between her best friend and a darkly dangerous prince.
It's time for Megham to enter the faery world...
I get what everyone's been talking about - finally!  I love this book!  And I've barely read 100 pages! 

Well, there's my extra-long Teasers!  Hope you saw something you liked!  (:

What are your teasers this week?

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