Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

This father is:

really cute when he laughs at my jokes (I love to make him laugh!),
absolutely endearing when he laughs at the kids' jokes,
and adorable when he makes us all laugh;

a powerful superhero when he tosses our 75lb kids over his head into the pool,

playfully fun when he lets the kids tell him how to shave off his beard, step-by-step,

humble, yet inspiringly masterful when we drive over the first bridge he built (1993) next to Mansfield Dam on our way to the marina,

sweet and Godly when he tucks the kids in bed, leads nighttime prayers, and makes the sign of the cross on their foreheads,

adventurous and resourceful when he takes us on lots of fun trips,

patient and brilliant when he teaches the kids math and takes the time to answer all of their questions and explain how scientific things work,

adorably animated when he reads to the kids and makes different voices for all the characters,

He's just the best

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