Sunday, June 6, 2010

Reinforced Capitol Dome Fails to Stem Massive Money Leak

Washington, D.C.--Money continued to gush from a runaway U.S. Capitol Building as engineers worked to close the vents on a reinforced dome to help stem the damage.

But technicians are having trouble closing the vents in the dome because of fears the pressure inside -- created by a push for more cap and tax energy legislation in response to the Gulf oil spill -- would become so great the savings of future generations would blast through the seal.

The cap remains a temporary measure, as federal legislative profligacy is expected to continue at least until the August congressional recess.

"But we're pressing ahead," said one fiscal expert, "because every day the leak goes uncapped this unprecedented debt stains more and more young Americans and kills their prospects for future economic well-being."

Associated articles: Gallup; Wall Street Journal

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