Monday, June 28, 2010

Random Happenings

There hasn't been a shortage of activity around here, but because it's been a while since I've posted, I've simply compiled some unrelated photos.

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The kids have been fiddlin' around quite a bit. They're learning a handful of new songs for their upcoming performances next month.

Their favorite new tunes are "The Devil Went Down to Georgia," "Orange Blossom Special," and "Cajun Fiddle."

We've started our new school year, and Mary Kate loves to read some of her new books to Jimmer.

Mary Kate's eyes water very easily.
They water when she watches me put in my contacts,
when she gets her teeth cleaned at the dentist,
when we simply TALK about her eyes watering.

In this case, she was reading to Jimmer about how sweat glands work!

Even though her eyes water easily, she is a little nurse in the making. She's always been the first one to offer help in an emergency.

A name poem I wrote last week for a friend's daughter who just lost her baby the week she was due. A very, very sad occasion.

My English/Spanish-teaching-sister-in-law is a fine editor.

This succulent plant makes me smile.

I love its cheerful flowery shapes.

This is what I found yesterday while doing laundry. It's from one son's pocket.

If I'm lucky, I find these things before they run through the washer and dryer.

It's all a boy needs: a stick, rubber band, knife, string, etc.

I think it's the precursor to his eventual "nerd pack." The best (and heaviest) nerd pack we know of is in the family. Put it this way, Grampy can build and figure out anything with the stash he keeps in his front-pocket pack! Along with a slide rule, calculator, daily meter-reading documentation, and handy engineering formulas; I believe he even keeps a little saw in there.


I just received the reel-to-reel tapes of my dad playing the King in "The King and I" his senior year of high school (1961) and had them transferred to CDs. So fun listening to them.

My aunt sent me these photos from her yearbook.

She also sent this one of my mom from the same year book.

Personally, I think it's refreshing to see that they're not all showing their belly buttons!

Okay, I believe this is about the most random post I've ever done. Then again, last week was busy and quite scattered, so it's somewhat fitting.

So goes life.

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