Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama Has Agency Head Appoint Commission to Select Czar of Presidential Leadership Decisions

Washington, D.C.--The day after announcing he would address leadership questions surrounding his handling of the Gulf oil spill by appointing a "czar" to deal with the crisis, President Obama tapped the head of a federal agency to appoint members of a commission to select a czar in charge of all other presidential leadership decisions.

"Today I take the bold step of having one of my cabinet members choose a dozen commissioners who will select a czar to make leadership decisions," said Obama. "No longer will the need for decisive action go unmet by someone who reports to a commission within an agency under the supervision of an unelected cabinet member."

The commission was expected to eventually produce take-aways regarding the formulation of the criteria for action items that would inform the contours of the logo that would accompany guidelines regarding the czar's core responsibilities.

Associated articles: National Review; CBS News; Daily Caller

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