Tuesday, June 8, 2010

School Planning Thwarted :: Part 1


The only people I know who may want to read this post are the only other true car fans in our lives, Grampy and Uncle Joe.

Sorry to the rest of you. Consider yourselves warned.

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The day started when Mikey made a request to use the computer while I was checking email. After patiently waiting, he got his chance to look up a list of Supercars.

He would have been totally satisfied to find a mere list of the cars. But, thanks to the many wonders of cyberspace, he not only found a list but an internet-linked list of every single one of the cars...with lots of information and oodles of photos for each one.

The first car he searched for was the Bugatti Veyron. I really have no idea how he even knows about this car. After seeing this link, I'm just wondering WHY a $1,700,000 "street" car would need to go 253 mph with an acceleration of 0-60 in 2.6 seconds.

Bugatti Veyron

Unless you live in rural Montana, wouldn't you need your own road to drive on? You KNOW that owners of these types of vehicles aren't just looking to putter down the road to pick up a few groceries. And...wouldn't the driver pass out from lack of blood flow to the brain with that kind of acceleration?

Oh...NOW I remember why Mikey likes this type of car so much.

When asked what he'd like to be when he grows up, he once said he wasn't quite sure, but would like to do "something that requires wearing a G-suit."

Mikey is kind of scaring me. He says things like, "You can tell the Koenigsegg by the two domes in back."


and "I knew that was a Zonda by its exhaust pipes."

Pagani Zonda C12 F

What's even scarier is that after I asked him where, exactly, the exhaust pipes were on the Zonda, I thought to myself--"Yeah, that is a good identifying feature. Now I can point one out too." Like I'll ever actually see one.

If you haven't found the four exhaust pipes yet, they're in the cute little circle above where the license plate is supposed to be. But, as you can imagine, none of the Zonda drivers would want to actually mount their plates. They might get caught speeding.

I'm afraid this may be as close as we'll get to seeing any of these Supercars.

Mikey's Matchbox Supercars
Front to Back: Dodge Viper SRT10 ARC, Ford GT LM, Saleen S7, Bugatti Veyron
(per Mikey: these cars are in order of speed--slowest in front, fastest in back)
Figures he'd have them organized in some way.

As I sat with Mikey supervising his search, he dashed off to see what the girls wanted in the other room. But first he said, "Can you look up what the EB stands for? It's on all the Bugatti steering wheels." Off he trotted.

I find myself--mySELF--looking up this stuff on the internet. (Okay, the EB stands for Ettore Bugatti, the company's founder.)

I set up Mikey's own bookmarked folder, CARS TRUCKS SUPERCARS, on the internet. You should have seen how fired up he was about finding this Supercar website. It was like the dawning of a new age. Doors just burst wide open for him.

Good thing he's still not bigger than I am, because I know I'll have to start fighting him off the computer.

Now, I MUST get back to some more school planning. The kids would like the living room floor back.

Official Supercar photos filched off: www.thesupercars.org

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