Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Simple X-Mas Card

 Good day everybody;
Today I'm going to show you guys a very simple card I did, that I really like. I made the card size A2
 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 with white card stock.

 Both pattern papers are from the same mat stack. The greens cut them to size and punch the corners with Fiskars lace corner punch. The red paper, Die cut it with Spellbinders to include the image in the paper and stamp a sentiment. Cut two white scallops ovals  two sizes bigger, one embossed it with Cuttlebug folder for front. The other stamp a sentiment and use it in the inside. 
 To add some sparkles I put Stickles dots on the green paper both inside and outside. The front I sprayed it with Goose Bumps, and there you go my 10 minute card. I know your saying 10 MINUTES? Yeah,  I am kinda slow : )

 I"m entering this card in the following challenges;
Thank you all for this chance to try different thing at different times : )
                                                                     Love always, Elisa

Intuition by J. Meyers

IntuitionSeries: Bonus Intangible Novel
Publisher: Self
Format: Kindle
Published: 3rd November 2011
Number of Pages: -
Book: Free iPod Book!
Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Novella, Mystery, YA
Recommended Age: 11+
Contains: Nothing Unsuitable
No Alcohol, Drug References
Available On: Amazon, Smashwords and Barnes & Noble
Author's Blog:

Intuition: A Bonus Intangible Short Story
Luke and his twin sister Sera have unusual abilities. Hers is a gift—she can heal with a touch of her hand. His is a curse—he can see the future but he can’t do anything about it.
On a hike up the mountain, Luke has a vision unlike any other—one that leaves him terrified. Knowing that it will come true—and that he must do everything in his power to stop it—leaves his own future uncertain.
Don't miss the first book in the series, Intangible, on sale January 2012.

Luke has visions of the future, visions that always come true. Sera can heal, influence. The twins have to keep their gifts secret; people react badly, they get scared or angry.
On a hike one day, Luke has a vision, the worst one he's ever had. He sees someone dead in a cave. He is sure he knows the person, but as he can't see them he doesn't know who they are. His visions always come true. Can Luke stop this one before it’s too late?
Intuition was a great little story, introducing us to the world, tantalizing our minds. It wasn't long at all, just long enough for me to meet the characters and know their gifts and like them and need to know WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!
The writing was really good, the brief plot left me wanting more. I really liked Luke and Sera, their gifts and twin bond. I can't wait to read Intangible! No, scratch that. I need to read Intangible! I HAVE to know if Luke manages to stop his vision! And after the teaser chapter at the end of Intuition? Squeee!

Star Rating:
4 Out of 5

Read this book if you liked:
Spirit Guide Series by E.J. Stevens
The Darkest Powers Trilogy by Kelley Armstrong
Night World by L.J. Smith

Challenges It's Taking Part In:
Happy Reading

Monday, March 26, 2012

Partials by Dan Wells

Series: Partials, Book One
Publisher: HarperCollins
Format: ARC
Published: 29th March 2012
Number of Pages: 482
Book: For Review*
Genre: Dystopia, Science-Fiction, Thriller, Suspense, Action-Adventure, Mystery, Post-Apocalyptic, YA
Recommended Age: 13+
Contains: Violence, Death, Drinking, Swearing
No Drug References
Author's Blog: Dan Wells

The human race is all but extinct, wiped out by a killer virus released by genetically engineered soldiers – Partials.
Sixteen-year-old Kira is trapped on Long Island.  Her community clings to survival, but what hope can they have when no baby survives for more than three days?
Kira is determined to make a difference, to find a cure.  Her best friend is pregnant and Kira cannot let that baby die.  Time is running out, and finding a cure means capturing a Partial…

Partials (Partials, #1)                                                                   Review:
Since the Break, no baby has lived past three days.  The human race is at the edge of extinction, almost all of the population having been killed by the virus released by the Partials – part human cyborgs.
Kira Walker’s community is barely hanging on, but with no idea how to save the babies, they merely ask the citizens to keep having children and hope for the best.  But this splits the survivors, some furious with this new act and threatening war.
And now Kira’s best friend is pregnant – Kira loves Madison and refuses to stand by and watch the baby die. 
Kira has a theory, one that could find the cure and save Maddy’s baby.  The problem?
It requires a Partial.  Or more specifically, capturing a super strong, super powerful, genetically-engineered soldier.
Can Kira pull it off in time?  Or will their whole world be ripped apart first?
I remember seeing this one Sammee’s blog and thinking: “Oh my God!  MUST get my hands on this book!”  And Partials really didn’t disappoint!  It sucked me in from the word go.  It was addictive and action packed and just pure awesomeness.  With strong characters, a scarily brilliant plot, amazing writing and a disconcertingly plausible world, Partials was a book I was addicted to from start to finish!
Kira Walker was strong, brave, caring, funny, good natured and witty.  I loved her!  She was brilliantly snarky and funny, and totally kick butt!  She was so calm under pressure and wonderfully strong, stubborn and determined; a natural leader who could totally hold her own. 
Marcus, Kira’s boyfriend, was funny and goofy – totally insane and so cute!  He was so loving, so trusting, so loyal. Whenever he came in, he made me laugh.  His snark just lightened my day!  I officially love Marcus Valencio. 
Samm was really clever and a real puzzle; he seemed almost vulnerable and was really sweet.  He was more human than most of the actual humans.  I loved him!  And I don’t know if he meant to be, but he was really quite funny at times!
I just loved all the characters so much!  Loads of them were hilarious, all of them were brave and I just loved the relationships between them all.  Also, I had no idea who would make it through – I felt as if any of them could just die at any time, something I’ve never felt before.  The characters were all so charismatic and awesome and I loved them all!  Xochi was one of my favourites!  She was brilliant, rebellious, fiery, snarky and really funny!  And I loved Isolde! She was brave and funny and kinda bonkers.  I loved that her solution to everything seemed to be: get drunk.  (By the way: kids reading this, alcohol is not the solution!!  Um, righteous moment over…  Carry on…)
This book brought up lots of tricky moral and ethical questions.  Humans created the Partials to win wars and they turned against them because they didn’t want to be slaves anymore.  And the Hope Act: everyone had to have a baby at eighteen and have them as often as possible afterwards.  And they all die.  Admittedly, the Senate passed the law to try and save the human race, but still.  And what was even more shocking and oh-so-terrifying was that it was all plausible to me, like it really could happen. 
The writing was amazing: addictive, action-packed, simple, descriptive and brilliantly funny.  Told in third person from Kira’s POV, it really let me get into her head.  I’m not sure if some of the bits I lost control at were actually meant to be funny, but I found them hilarious.  And I loved the plot just as much!  The only think I didn’t get was: why didn’t the other scientists figure out what Kira did?  That, seriously, is the only negative thing I have to say.  I couldn’t see the twists coming and I was hooked to every word.  Ok, admittedly I had suspicions about one of the final twists, but it was only a vague theory.  As for the ending… I thought it was perfect, with just the right amount of unanswered questions… ‘til I reached the last few pages.  And now?  Oh.  My.  God!  I need the next book.  As in now, now, now!
A civilisation torn apart, a world on its knees, on the brink of extinction and war, one girl willing to risk everything to save them all… Partials was addictive, action packed and just brilliant!  I sped through it, desperate to see how it would end, yet not really wanting it to end at the same time.  It had action, it had humour, it had romance, it had brilliant characters.  I can’t recommend this one enough!

Star Rating:
4¾ Out of 5

Read this book if you liked:
The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

Challenges It's Taking Part In:

Happy Reading
* This book was received from HarperCollins in exchange for an honest review

Sunday, March 25, 2012

In My Mailbox (#50)

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what. Awesome!

Prepare to be totally shocked... I bought ZERO books this week!  I'm still kinda in shock over that, actually...  My lack of purchases is balanced by the ridiculous number of books I Requested on NetGalley, but still.  It's not bad!  ;)

Anyhoo, this is what I got...

For Review:

The Pink Hotel by Anna Stothard (Goodreads | Amazon)
I love the look of this, and I am actually totally in love with the book's cover: it's nice and soft and kinda silky!  Love it! ;)
Wonder by R.J. Palacio (Goodreads | Amazon)
Never Judge A Book Boy
By Its Cover His Face
I've heard so many amazing things about this.  So I can't wait to actually read it!  It looks seriously brilliant.  Thank you SO MUCH RandomHouse!
Secrets of the Henna Girl by Sufiya Ahmed (Goodreads | Amazon)
This looks amazing!  You can see the interview I had with Sufiya: here.  I can't wait to read the book!
Dark Ride by Caroline Green (Goodreads | Amazon)
A Mysterious Boy,
A Haunting Secret
Thank you so much Caroline for sending this to me, and it was lovely to meet you last week!  I'm very much looknig forward to read this!!
Endure (Need, Book Four) by Carrie Jones (Goodreads | Amazon)
I love this series, and I love this cover to pieces!  It's gorgeous!!  :D

Intangible by J. Meyers (Goodreads | Amazon)
I read Meyers' short teaser story Intuition the other day and absolutely loved it.  Therefore, I can't wait to read this!
Thank you so, so much to everyone who sent books to me!!!

From NetGalley:

Tomorrow LandThe Summer My Life Began
Hanging by a ThreadFitzFrom the Trade Paperback edition
 Shayla Witherwood: A Half-Faerie Tale

Pie In The Sky by Jane Smiley (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
I love the look of this one!  The little girl in me still adores everything even mildly horsey-related, so I'm super excited about it! :D
Tomorrow Land by Mari Mancusi (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
Can true love survive the end of the world?
Ooh, exciting!  Gotta love end-of-the-world books! ;)
The Summer My Life Began by Shannon Greenland (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
One Summer Can Change Everything
Love the sound of this one! 
Hanging By a Thread by Sophie Littlefield (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
This cover is gorgeous!  I can't wait to read it!
Fitz by Mick Cochrane (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
A Father.  A Son.  And A Gun.
WOW.  O.O  I can't get over that one line!  It's amazing!!
Sisterhood Everlasting (The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, Book Five) by Ann Brashares (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
Four Friends.  One Sisterhood.  Ten Years Later, The Story Continues...
Ok, admittedly, I haven't read this series, but I couldn't resist!  My lack of control worries me somewhat...
Shayla Witherwood: A Half-Faerie Tale by Tamra Torero (Goodreads | AmazonNetGalley)
Gotta love faerie tales! :D

Well, that's me.  NetGalley is seriously dangerous.

What was in your mailbox this week?  Did you go mad on NetGalley too?  ;) 

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Victorian Style Layout

 Hello everybody, I hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend like I am. Pretty peaceful around here, just  hubby and me. So I'm having all sorts of time to create lol. I found this paper stack call Antiquities from GCD  I bought awhile back but put it away and forgot about it. Now I remember why I bought it. I like the lady and the chandelier the paper is 12X12 so I couldn't make a card with it. First I added different stripes of paper.  I added the pearls paper, the music notes and the brown vintage paper. At this point I really liked it,  but what to do with it?
 I found the poem I like and I  added embellishes  : ) lots of them.

I added a heart shape doily distress in purple. Two butterflies from stash, 3 buttons, two white and one heart shape. I added flowers from Wild Orchid  but the distress red and the Kraft one I cut out of Spellbinders Dies.  Also used  feather fluff, ribbon, lace, pearls from stash.

For the chandelier I used teardrop and round crystals which I think pops out the candles in the picture. All it needs is a frame. I enter this layout in the following challenges:
Love the challenges, but there is so much good competition out there : )  It's worth the fun!
                                                                                           Love always, Elisa

Classic mothers day card

Happy Saturday everybody,
I'm trying to make all  the mothers day cards that I need, and that is a lot. I started this card with some left over paper from the first mothers day card. But I did not had enough for the whole card so I improvised. That's were the music note paper came in. The Image is from Art Explosion cut with Spellbinders die. Pearls and gems for embellishes and heat embossed happy mothers day. I hope you enjoy it.

I enter this card in the following challenges:
Thank you all for this continual opportunities to enter all this wonderful challenges.
                                                                                        Love always, Elisa

On My Wishlist (#26)

On My Wishlist is an awesome weekly meme hosted by Book Chick City that runs every Saturday. It's a place where you can put up all the books you're desperate to read, but haven't actually bought them yet. They can be old, new or forthcoming. And, even better, everyone can join in with too, because there's a Mr Linky so you can put your post up. All you have to do is click on the link below:

I haven't done this in forever, but today I bring two books I am really, really wishing for!  And they are...
The World of the Hunger GamesThe World of the Hunger Games
By: Kate Egan
Published: 23rd March 2012
Published By: Scholastic
Found: On Amazon
Synopsis From Goodreads:
The definitive, richly illustrated, full-color guide to all the districts of Panem, all the participants in "The Hunger Games," and the life and home of Katniss Everdeen.
Ah-hem.  Yes.  I may be mildly obsessed with HG at the mo... But C'MON!!  Hunger Games!!!!!! 
The LookThe Look
By: Sophia Bennett
Published: 1st March 2012
Published By: Chicken House
Found: Everywhere! 
Synopsis From Goodreads:
Ted is fifteen, and...oh yes...tall. When she's spotted by a model agency, she can't believe it.
At the same time, Ted's fashionista sister, Ava, is diagnosed with cancer. With her world turned upside down, Ted has a lot of growing up to do, some of it in five-inch platforms. Should she be the model sister for Ava? Life in front of the camera is harder than it looks. And will they still be smiling when it’s over?
I've seen so many amazing reviews of this one, so I can't wait to get my hands on it!!
Well, that's a couple of books I'm a-wishin' for this week!
What's on your wishlist today? :D

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Lorien Legacy Series: Thrilling Teaser Trailer!

In the beginning we were a group of nine.
They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
The Mogadorians want to finish what they started.
But they'll have to fight us first...

Oh.  My.  God.  I am so, so, SO in love with this series!  Even more so after the amazing trailer which you will all see in a moment. 

I don't know how many of you have read I Am Number Four or seen the film, but those of you who have will love this trailer!  Thanks Penguin for letting me know about it!

Now, I hope you all loved the trailer as much as I did!  Keep an eye out for an amazing game that's coming out soon! 

Check out the Lorien Legacy series on Goodreads!