Saturday, March 24, 2012

Victorian Style Layout

 Hello everybody, I hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend like I am. Pretty peaceful around here, just  hubby and me. So I'm having all sorts of time to create lol. I found this paper stack call Antiquities from GCD  I bought awhile back but put it away and forgot about it. Now I remember why I bought it. I like the lady and the chandelier the paper is 12X12 so I couldn't make a card with it. First I added different stripes of paper.  I added the pearls paper, the music notes and the brown vintage paper. At this point I really liked it,  but what to do with it?
 I found the poem I like and I  added embellishes  : ) lots of them.

I added a heart shape doily distress in purple. Two butterflies from stash, 3 buttons, two white and one heart shape. I added flowers from Wild Orchid  but the distress red and the Kraft one I cut out of Spellbinders Dies.  Also used  feather fluff, ribbon, lace, pearls from stash.

For the chandelier I used teardrop and round crystals which I think pops out the candles in the picture. All it needs is a frame. I enter this layout in the following challenges:
Love the challenges, but there is so much good competition out there : )  It's worth the fun!
                                                                                           Love always, Elisa

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