Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Teaser Tuesday (#32)

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here are the rules:
  • Open your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include spoilers!
  • Share the title and author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
I'll admit that I cheated - a lot.  I have four teasers from one book.  But it's sooo good and I've finished it and I want everyone to see how awesome it is!  Enjoy! :D

From Partials by Dan Wells, Chapter Twenty-Seven, Page 327
"I trust you.  Let's commit some treason."
"Rock on."
From Partials by Dan Wells, Chapter Twenty-Seven, Page 327
"Well, thanks for not shooting anyone, I guess," said Marcus.  "My contribution was to somehow refrain from peeing myself.  You can thank me later."
From Partials by Dan Wells, Chapter Thirty Three, Page 405
"Do you have a plan to get back out?"
"Honestly, I'm kind of shocked we made it this far."
From Partials by Dan Wells, Chapter Thirty-Five, Page 422
"Or should I say 'the infamous Xochi Kessler.'  Your poor mother is worried sick."
"My poor mother can go and hang herself."
"I think she'd rather hang you."

Partials (Partials, Book One) by Dan Wells
Synopsis From Blurb, Check The Book Out On Goodreads
The human race is all but extinct, wiped out by a killer virus releasde by genetically engineered soldiers - Partials.
Sixteen-year-old Kira is trapped on Long Island.  Her community clings to survival, but what hope can they  have when no baby survives for more than three days?
Kira is determined to make a difference, to find a cure.  Her best friend is pregnant and Kira cannot let that baby die.  Time is running out, and finding the cure means capturing a Partial...
Oh how I loved this book!  It is seriously addictive and really funny!  I NEED Book 2!!
Ok, there are my cheat-teasers.  Hope you liked them!
What are your teasers this week? :D

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