Saturday, February 25, 2012

Amitabh Bachchan back home from hospital

Amitabh Bachchan has been discharged from Mumbai Sevenhills hospital after 12 days of stay. Big B was admitted to the hospital on February 11th where he undergone two abdominal surgeries. He was discharged at 9:30 pm tonight.

Last night, Big B had tweeted, "Freedom !!! free from central line, free from all kites, free to sleep without precaution... Now await to be free from hospital !!."

Today in the evening he had tweeted, "Ahhh ! The beauty of taking a shower without the tapes and wires and bandages .. its like being reborn. "

As Big B walked out of the hospital, he waved his hand to the media and camerapersons. He was accompanied by his wife Jaya Bachchan.

The actor was kept under observation following complaints of pain post the surgeries.

Doctors zeroed on second surgery but dropped the idea after Big B showed sign of improvement.

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