Sunday, February 5, 2012

In My Mailbox (#44)

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what.  Awesome! 

I was lucky enough to be invited to Katie Dale's Book Launch of Someone Else's Life: thank you for the invite Katie!  I had so much fun, especially during the acting-out of your Fairy Tale Twists book!  It was lovely to meet you, and all the other authors there!  The other Edge Authors: Savita Kalhan, Miriam Halahmy (see her guest post on The Book Addicted Girl), and Dave Cousins - it was great to see you again Dave!  And also Mark Robson and Jackie Marchant.  For everyone else I know I met and forgot their names, I'm sorry but it was a pleasure to meet you too!  Of course, as the launch was held in Waterstones, I simply had to browse the books!  I managed to pick up a beautiful book, and of course Someone Else's Life! :D  Check out Katie's site: here.

From Katie Dale's Book Launch:

Someone Else's Life by Katie Dale (Goodreads | Amazon)
How Can You Face Your Future When Your Past Is A Lie?
I'm so almost finished this, and loving every second of it!  Katie, thank you so much for the invite and signing my book!  I'm very much looking forward to your guest post for your blog tour! :)
The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick (Goodreads | Amazon)
This is such a beautiful book!  More than half of it is these gorgeous drawings, and even though it's probably too young for me, I just couldn't resist buying it!  Well, if these things are going to be held in Waterstones, what do you expect?!
The Edge Leaflet
Dangerous little leaflet: too many good books!! ;)
The Long Weekend by Savita Kalhan Bookmark (Goodreads | Amazon | Author Site)
This book looks SO GOOD!  I HAVE to buy it!  :D
Fairy Tale Twists by Katie Dale Bookmark (Goodreads | Amazon | Author Site)
God, these little books are hilarious!  This mark is now being used in Someone Else's Life. :D
Dragon Orb Series by Mark Robson Bookmark (Goodreads | Amazon | Author Site)
This series looks ace: I want to read it!  :D 
For Review:

Immortal City by Scott Speer (Goodreads | Amazon)
When Guardian Angels Protect For Money,
What Happens If One Saves For Love?
This looks so, so, so, so good!  I can't wait to read it!   I mean, guardian angels who protect for money and get treated like celebrities?  It just sounds so good!!!!!!
Explorer X: Beta by L.M. Preston (Goodreads | Amazon)
Thanks to the author for sending this to me, and for Stormi who invited me to take part in the blog tour.  :)
The Traitors by Tom Becker (
Goodreads | Amazon)
Adam Wilson Has BETRAYED His Friend.
Now He Must Face The CONSEQUENCES.
This is such a new idea for me: getting sent to a special prison for betraying your friend?  I've never heard of anything like it.  And from the bit I've read, it's so cool!
Thank you Scholastic and L.M!

E-Books For Review:

Winterborne (Universe Unbound #1)  Ravenstoke (Universe Unbound #2)
Winterborne (Universe Unbound, Book One) by Augusta Blythe (Goodreads | Amazon)
This looks brilliant, so I simply couldn't say no to Augusta!  And this cover?  I am so in love with it right now!
Ravenstoke (Universe Unbound, Book Two)  by Augusta Blythe (Goodreads | Amazon)
This also looks brilliant, and the cover is equally brilliant! :)
Teagan's Blood (Ultimate Powers, Book One) by Lorraine McInerney (Amazon)
This sounds great too, and I am equally loving this cover!

Well, that's what I got this week.  I'm super-please with all my books and am loving (and almost finsihed) Someone Else's Life

What books did you get this week? :)

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