Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Teaser Tuesday (#30)

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here are the rules:
  • Open your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include spoilers!
  • Share the title and author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
One spooky teaser from a spooky book.  Hope you all enjoy! :)

From Mister Creecher by Chris Priestley, Chapter IX, Page 75
"It would interest me," said Creecher, stepping forward.  The giant seemed to bring a blast of cold air with him as he did so, and the nephew flinched as Creecher moved into the light.  Even so, Billy was impressed by his calmness.  Creecher was a troubling spectacle at the best of times, but in that gloom he seemed all the more terrifying: the embodiment of everything a person fears when they are trapped in a dark place.

Mister Creecher by Chris Priestley
Synopsis From Blurb, Check The Book Out On Goodreads
 1818.  London.
Billy is a street urchin, pickpocket and petty thief.  Mr Creecher is a monstrous giant of a man who terrifies all he meets.  Their relationship begins as pure convenience.  But a bond swiftly develops between these two misfits as their bloody journey takes them ever northwards on the trail of their target... Victor Frankenstein.
I am really loving this book.  Really, really loving it!  And the book's blog tour is going to be stopping here in March, so keep an eye out!  There may be a giveaway involved...

There's my teaser!

What's you teaser this week? :)

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