Sunday, February 12, 2012

Writing The Riots: What Did Last Summer's Riots Mean To You?

Live in the UK?  Love to write?  Aged between 13 and 17?  Well, this writing challenge is for you!

The people at Booktrust are looking for a lucky winner to spend a day with teen author Bali Rai at Random House's Children House!

This is taken from Booktrust's site:
'Booktrust’s Writer in Residence, teen author Bali Rai is looking for the best story inspired by last year’s riots. Did you know anyone involved in the riots or affected by them? Why do you think they started? Did they affect your community? Do you think they will happen again? In no more than 500 words, write a short story based on the UK riots last summer.'

The full prize?  Well:
'The winner will win a day at Random House Children's Books with author Bali Rai. Learn all about the secrets of the publishing world, how a book is bought and edited, marketed and sold and have lunch with Bali and his editor. Plus win a complete signed set of Bali’s books and have your story published on the Booktrust website.'

And three runner-ups will also get a signed set of Bali's books and get their story published on the side!

Now, if you think this sounds as awesome as I do, head over to the site now!!  You only have until the 26th March to enter!

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